Quran Online
A platform to read qur’an online
- Developed a qur’an online platform using Next.js and
- Implement list of surah, arabic and translation text, and tafsir features
Movies Catalog
Movies Catalog wtih TMDB API. Enable user to create a watchlist
- Developed full-stack movies catalog web (frontend & backend), deployed with docker-compose on GCE VM
- Created user authentication & authorization, search movies, and watchlist features
Real Time Chat App
A real time chat application that allows users to communicate in real time way
- Developed a full-stack real time chat web application
- Created user authentication & authorization, search users, friends, and room-based chat features
Nani Agritech Landing Page
Nani Agritech landing page for brief introduction of the company
- Developed a landing page for Nani Agritech with Next.js and tailwindcss
- Implement state management with redux
Todo App Backend
Todo application to manage your tasks
- Developed a todo application backend with Go
- Created CRUD API with user authentication & authorization
- Implemented dependency injection
Unsupervised Text Classification
Unsupervised text classification using Lbl2Vec
- Reproduced a paper about unsupervised text classification
- Leveraged Lbl2Vec model to classify the unlabeled text to certain topics
Kaggle: Emotion Detection from Text
Emotion detection from text using Tf-idf and Catboost
- Preprocessed the data by transforming dirty data
- Utilized tf-idf and BERT to extract the text features as a vector representation
- Utilized Catboost to develop models and evaluate the its performance
Kaggle: Image Scene Classification
Image scene classification using CNN
- Developed a plain CNN model to classify the image scene
- Replicated the ResNet architecture to extract the image features and use it as the model backbone
- Utilized pre-trained ResNet50 model to improve the model performance
EDA: The Ultimate Film Statistics Dataset - for ML
Exploratory Data Analysis on the Ultimate Film Statistics Dataset
- Preprocessed the data by transforming dirty data, splitting column, and reformat the data
- Performed exploratory data analysis to understand the data distribution and correlation between features
- Visualized the data using Matplotlib and Seaborn to gain valuable insights
Kaggle Competition: Spaceship Titanic
Predict the survival of passengers on the Titanic
- Performed exploratory data analysis to understand the data distribution and correlation between features
- Preprocessed the data by transforming dirty data, encoding, and scaling the data
- Utilized Scikit-learn, XGBoost, and Catboost to develop models and evaluate the its performance
Bleached Coral Detection
Bleached coral detection using CNN
- Developed a deep learning model to detect bleached coral by using CNN
- Leverage Grad-CAM to enhance the model reliability
Fire Image Detection
Fire image detection using CNN
- Created a deep learning model to predict fire image
- Replicated the ResNet architecture to extract the image features
- Achieved 95% on accuracy
Netflix Landing Page Clone
Netflix landing page clone using React and tailwindcss
- Developed a frontend clone for Netflix landing page with React JS as the frontend framework and Tailwind CSS for styling
Rentspace is a platform to rent a venue or place to organize an event
- Developed a full-stack web app, with microservices backend
- Created API gateway for microservices communication
HalowBund is a platform to provides information for mothers and toddler
- Created the frontend with plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript for website. And Flutter for mobile app
- Built the backend system using Django